Guest Speaker Idina Sullivan
- Near Pod-online and app for ipad
- Allows you to share presentation with students and allows students to interact with the presentation by answering questions.
- Advice:
- You need to have parents and students sign a responsibility with technology agreement before doing activities with tech.
- Do not use personal emails of students unless cc parents.
- Do not email students late at night. Try to email during school hours or near school hours.
- Remind 101-Program that sends text information to parents and students from an online site thus allowing the teacher to text information without using personal phone numbers. Parents and students set it up.
- SAMR- Big issue in ed tech :
- Tech is a tool not a learning outcome
- Integrate tech do not just use it.
- Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition.
- Substitution: “coffee is still coffee.” In the classroom instead of handwriting a report, type a report.
- Augmentation: “coffee is still coffee but now with ice and milk.” In the classroom they type it but they use word processing, online dictionary and thesaurus.
- Modification: “Caramel Macchiato.” In the classroom instead of assigning a book report or review have students design a newsletter.
- Redefinition: “Pumpkin Latte.” They have a trademark and we can’t make it at home. In the classroom this means doing things they could not do without these tools. i movie, powtown, piktochart, vuvox,animoto,screencast matic, thinklink, toontastic.
- Cannot require students to use technology for homework unless you are sure they have access to the tech.
- for clips on topics related to your class.
- New York Times Visualizations
- Inquiry Based Learning
I was very interested in this guest speaker and I learned a great amount about integrating technology safely and effectively into the classroom. I was particularly interested in the new tools she presented to us namely NearPod and Ted Ed. I am using a Ted Ed interactive lesson on Shakespearean insults in my next unit.
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